I realize your site is one dedicated to Sk's but I think this effects you too. I feel very strongly that what I tell you be seen by as many people as possible as soon as possible. I am thus sending it to the sites that I read regulary, about 5 of them. I'm also going to send it to EQvault which I do not read but know has quite a large readership.
It has come to my attention that a change has been made while playing on the test server. A monks ability to feign death(and I assume SK as well) has been changed thus that all mobs will now come back to the monk as soon as he gets up. The obvious effect this has is utterly destroying the monk mob seperation technique that uses this skill when pulling. This is what we call an extreme NERF happening again in game and quite frankly I am sick of it. I have thought many of the nerfs that have gone in have gone much too far. But this is outrageous and I feel strongly that it needs to posted across the whole eq network before the when/if of it going to the live servers. I haven't ever played a monk past level 3 but we've all had one pull for us and without that they are just melee with a bit more damage than warriors and a lot less hitpoints. That would be really sad I think. Please help put the word out on your news page so players can respond to Verant on how the think before the code goes live for it.
Samuel Leemon