Defense of J12
This is a two team event, for those times when less than 15 people are left. When I give the call, all people in arena will pick a ship (all ships legal), and stay on the public freq the server assigns them (no priv freqs, random teams). I will pick one team to be the defenders, the other to be the attackers. The team assigned to be defenders will then move into the safe in j12, the attackers will move into the j4 safe.
When I verify that all people are in the safes they belong in, I will green all ships to 100 bty (including the random greens the server gives you), call out GO!! in green text and start a 10 minute timer. The attackers then move in on j12, the defenders prepare their defenses. If you die, you will not be greened up by me, only you and your team can do that, as soon as you feel ready, jump back into the fray. Ship changes will not be allowed, either when you die, nor when the round is over. If the attackers manage to take over j12, it will be the defenders job to retake what is theirs
This will continue for ten minutes, at which point I will call for a stop. Cease fire and pull into the nearest safe. I will tally each freq's points, and call for a switch. The team that was the defenders moves into the j4 safe, the old attackers park in j12. All ships and scores will be resetted, ships greened up to 100 bty, the timer started and GO!! called. Same situation as before.
Once that ten minute session is over, I will again call for a cease fire, tally each teams score. Then I will add that with each teams previous score. The team that managed the most points on the combined attack and defense will be declared the winners.